Gtec Workshop

From 10-20 to Ultra-high Density - Closed Loop Brain Computer Interface Advances with g.tec BCI Research and Clinical Systems

With 25 years of experience producing and advancing brain-computer-interface (BCI) technologies, g.tec is going to demonstrate their advanced but easy-to-use BCI research and clinical system from 8 channel to 1024 channels, from wired to wireless, from pure-EEG to multiple biosignal closed loop systems, from BCI research to neurorehabilitation to neuromodulation applications in this workshop. Ready to explore the advanced BCI world? Come join us in this workshop and we explore together research collaboration.

Workshop Organiser

Christy Li, Regional Sales ASIA
g.tec medical engineering GmbH/ g.tec neurotechnology Hong Kong Ltd.

Duration: 3 hours

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web g.Nautilus-multi-purpose-EEG-headset (1) (1)